The Hunting of the Snark by Lewis Carroll, made into a graphic novel for the first time, with explanatory postface by this artist, published by Melville House Press (ISBN 978-1935554240). Read the New Yorker review of my Snark here. Read the Salon review of my Snark here. Read Biblioklept's Snark interview with me here
Melville House
Barnes and Noble
Powells, USA
Barnes and Noble
Powells, USA

by Mahendra Singh (Rosarium,
2016, ISBN 978-0996769211)
200 pgs., 31 illustrations by the author
Voltaire's most famous creation, Candide, rebooted for the better-than-best of all possible worlds, 21st-century America! From the slums of Africa to the McMansions of suburbia, the human condition wreaks havoc upon Candide and his posse as they search for an American Dream being held against its will in an undisclosed location. College-boy sissies will call it a Juvenalian satire upon America's penchant for mindless optimism and casual racism but American Candide calls it "rage against the rage, Voltaire-dude!"
Rosarium / Amazon US / AmazonCA / AmazonUK / AmazonDE / AmazonIT / Alibris / Find local indie bookstore / Barnes & Noble
• Biblioklept's review … "delightfully venomous satiric acid"
• And Biblioklept's interview with me, in which I wax roth over American Candide
• Barbarus interviews me about making books of art and fiction
• Hey, kids, here's some cool animated book trailers
200 pgs., 31 illustrations by the author
Voltaire's most famous creation, Candide, rebooted for the better-than-best of all possible worlds, 21st-century America! From the slums of Africa to the McMansions of suburbia, the human condition wreaks havoc upon Candide and his posse as they search for an American Dream being held against its will in an undisclosed location. College-boy sissies will call it a Juvenalian satire upon America's penchant for mindless optimism and casual racism but American Candide calls it "rage against the rage, Voltaire-dude!"
Rosarium / Amazon US / AmazonCA / AmazonUK / AmazonDE / AmazonIT / Alibris / Find local indie bookstore / Barnes & Noble
• Biblioklept's review … "delightfully venomous satiric acid"
• And Biblioklept's interview with me, in which I wax roth over American Candide
• Barbarus interviews me about making books of art and fiction
• Hey, kids, here's some cool animated book trailers

Amazon US

Melville House
Encyclopaedia of Hell: An Invasion Manual for Demons Concerning the Planet earth and th Human Race Which Infests It … Translated from the Demonic by Martin Olson. Feral Press. ISBN 978-1936239047. With illustrations by this artist and Tony Millionaire et al. Since the customs and mores of humanity are alien and inconceivable to demons, Satan wrote this strangely poetic military handbook for the enlightenment and edification of his demon armies. The Encyclopaedia includes "Techniques of Stalking and Eating Humans," "Methods of Canning Human Pus," and "Dicing and Slicing Orphaned Children." Not suitable for small children or even the mildly religious, thank god.
Feral Press
Feral Press
Poets Ranked by Beard Weight: The Commemorative Edition
by Upton Uxbridge Underwood, edited by Gilbert Alter-Gilbert and illustrated by this artist. A tongue-in-cheek classic of Edwardian esoterica, a privately printed treatise offered by subscription to the informed man of fashion and as a divertissement au courant for the reading bins and cocktail tables of parlor cars, and smoking lounges of gentlemen’s clubs. Typifying a once-popular but nowadays seldom-encountered species of turn-of-the-century ephemera, it has become a rarity much prized by bibliophiles. See how the beards of Walt Whitman and Henry David Thoreau stack up against those of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Alfred Lord Tennyson. Published by Skyhorse, ISBN 978-1616082451.
A Poetry Anthology by D.A. Powell
An anthology of verse by D.A. Powell, translated into German by Christian Lux, with English en face (2009). Illustrations by this artist. Powell won the 2011 Kingsley Tufts Award and Cocktails is a good example of his compressed, muscular style. Until a publisher lets me have a stab at illustrating Chapman or Marlowe, Powell will do for me. Published by Lux Books, ISBN 978-3939557364.
Áloþk's Adventures in Goatland (Áloþk üjy Gígið Soagénliy):
A translation of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Róaž Wiðz, back-translated into English with a Glossary
by Byron W. Sewell
by Byron W. Sewell
A hilarious parody of AAIW by the well-known Carrollian, Byron Sewell, set in a goat-centric Central Asian country. Illustrated by this artist as a pen-addled inkster's homage to the Great Tenniel. This is a must-have for all goat farmers and lovers of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, a demographic intersection which probably boggles lesser minds than yours, dear reader. Published by Evertype (2011). ISBN 978-1904808763.

and also, The Enchiridion, by Martin and Olivia Olson … one of the covers and many interior illustrations by myself (the originals of which are available from The Beguiling, look for the icon on the right) …