Deadlines press … we'll continue our detailed explication of this GN version of the Hunting of the Snark in our next posting, 3 days from now …
I'm pleased to announce that I'll be doing a reading and signing at the Librairie Drawn & Quarterly in Montreal, Friday, January 28th, at 7 p.m.
Many thanks to everyone at D&Q for allowing me on the premises. It will be a simple affair, a magic lantern show whilst I explain it all in a popular style that even a Beaver can understand! And yes, I will be wearing bologna in my shoes. If you need to know why, it's a gesture of solidarity with Steve Martin after his brutal fracas with the hoi polloi at the 92nd St. YMCA.
And if you wish to have a hi-res, 11"x17" tabloid version of the above poster to print out in all its lurid color and then affix to the wall of your opium den or lazaretto or hidden-lair-dedicated-to-the-Thuggee-cult-of-the-goddess-Kali or even the shower room of the 92nd St. YMCA, why, here it is!
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